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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

George Caleb Bingham & Some Landscaping Friends

George Caleb Bingham - A kind of history. A kind of style. It's the stillness that warms me. Yes he plays with the light, but not like all those romantic sentimental myth-makers.
Winslow Homer - Workmanlike and truthful? I'm not sure; it's the strong very deliberate compositions he employs together with his ease of execution that keeps me returning to his paintings.

Thomas Eakins - odd combinations of hard-edged naturalism with softer looser elements. Disconcerting.

Eastman Johnson - Paintings more sensuous than Homer but somehow not quite finished.

Albert Pinkham Ryder - Like Turner probably born a century too early.

Ralph Albert Blakelock - Sentimental nostalgia fit only for shadow puppet show backgrounds.

George Inness - Once he got past the romantic stage his tonal work was quite superb.

William Merritt Chase - Artist sees European Impressionism and goes to the beach in America. A shark wouldn't have gone astray.

John Henry Twachtman - I think I would've like to have seen his snow melt.

Julian Alden Weir - Strong compositions influenced by those Japanese prints we all love, with Cezanne's palette painted rather flatly.

Childe Hassam - Camille Pissarro goes to New York.

Robert Henri - Impressionism into Expressionism. Braver renditions of cities than most contemporaries.

John Sloan - Quirky, yet a realist. An American painter.

George Luks - Pushed that paint around like he was really trying to do something. I like that he tried.

William James Glackens - Renoir goes to New York.

Everett Shinn - Verging on Illustration but nice to see the use of line.

Ernest Lawson - Pissarro goes to New York.

Maurice Prendergast - lighter daubings on dark. Post-Impressionism arrives in New York.

George Wesley Bellows - An American paints New York like an American. Finally.

Rockwell Kent - Shape and simplicity. Now we're going somewhere.

Edward Hicks - Whoops, too much simplicity.

Joseph Pickett - Bold and strong.

John Kane - Almost a painter. More natural than Lowry was to attempt later.

Anna May Robertson Moses - I don't like my folk artists to be so nostalgic.

Grant Wood - Wouldn't he? A man with great ideas, and a sister and a dentist.

Paul Dorrell advises you to

Study the traditions and try to learn what they have to teach you


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