I'm Not So Keen On People
I don’t really like people. And I stopped painting them closely because they’re stupid. It probably shouldn’t be a factor I know, but hey –I’m only human.
-What are you painting?
-All I can see is brown.
-Well, when you think about it, isn’t everything brown?
- -Is that supposed to be that over there?
- -Why don’t you put that tree in it?
- -My daughter is a great artist.
- -Did you mean to do that line there like that?
- -I wish I could paint.
- -Have you seen that guy who paints planets with car paints?
- -It must be very relaxing to paint.
- -It’s very detailed.
-I want to commission you to do me a painting.
-I want it to be dark.
-Very dark.
-I want it to be black.
-I’m happy to do that for you but it would be a lot cheaper if you just painted it yourself.
-Well maybe a little bit of color as well as the black.
- -My son is very good at drawing pictures.
- -You’re very like Van Gogh.
- -Why do you paint pictures like that?
- -Can you do caricatures?
- -Why don’t you paint nice pictures?
- -I wish I had time to paint.
- -Why don’t you put that dog in it?
- -Have you heard of Bob Ross?
- -I used to be very good at art.
- -Why are you painting the sky brown?
- -Just as a matter of interest, why are you not including that car in the painting?
-Will you do a portrait of me with my husband? And could you put the kids in it too?
-Sure, but you do realize that the finished painting will be abstract.
-Cool! So we’ll all look colorful like those Van Gogh pictures, or have contorted facial features like our nose viewed from the side when our face is viewed from the front?
-No, you won’t have any facial features, you’ll be pure black, and you’ll look like a bunch of shapes like those Suprematism pictures.
- -Can I ask you why you’re painting the street brown when it’s a blacktop?
- -I wish you could see the pictures my wife paints?
- -Does the smell of the paints not bother you?
- -Do you mind if I ask you why you’re using that size brush now?
- -Why don’t you paint real pictures?
- -I like your work; I think you’d love my wife.
- -Why are you painting outdoors when all you’re painting is shapes?
- -Why are you painting that building when the pretty one is over there?
- -Do you find it therapeutic to paint?
- -Are you not putting any clouds in?
- -Do you do portraits?
- -You know what you should do?
I fully agree with you! Why is it that every idiot in the world, thinks that they're a great art critic, when most of them don't know a thing about what you're doing?? I do seascapes, and I love them, so all my sister wants to know, is why I don't do contemporary work...ugh! I feel your pain, and will never paint a portrait for that reason. :) I suggest books on tape. You can listen to a great story, and you don't have to respond. :)
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