Wet Canvas Dreams

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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Fashion Icons

The holiday life has quietened down. Spotting a wasps' nest in my bedroom just above my bed I screamed for help and the preacher woman next door ran over and made the world a better place. I still have a hive of bees in the slab that is my porch and most nights I chase great big water beetles around with a fashion icon in my hand.

Painting Sporadically

I am painting but it's hard. Am certainly distracted and the most I can manage to paint continuously is one day. Even then I usually jump in the car at four in the morning and drive straight to the river. Kinda nice having the option to see the world for a few hours before work.

Procrastination Dressed Up As Art

And now it is the weekend again. A pool. And beer. And maybe I'll go out. And maybe a festival, or an art fair. It's time I spent some of the money that is starting to build up. I need a fried egg.

Paul Dorrell says:

Just what is an art fair? Usually an outdoor event arranged by well intentioned dilettantes for a largely indifferent public


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